Editorial Team
Editor in Chief
Dr. Yopie F. M. Buyung, B.A., M.A. - Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Saint Paul Bandung, Indonesia
Google Scholar: Yq_zRaEAAAAJ
SINTA ID: 6785336
Deputy Editor in Chief
Sostenis Nggebu, M.Th - Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Saint Paul Bandung, Indonesia
Google Scholar: I26u2DEAAAAJ
SINTA ID: 6784607
Managing Editor 1
Fenius Gulo, M.Th - Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Saint Paul Bandung, Indonesia
Google Scholar: bsOteeQAAAAJ
SINTA ID: 6784605
Managing Editor 2
Raphael Adi Nugraha Buyung, M.Th - Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Saint Paul Bandung, Indonesia
Google Scholar: wmL8AAAAJ
Editorial Board
Rev. Dr. Ian Poole - Rector of the chruches in the parish of bushbury - United Kingdom
Google Scholar: mTV1X84AAAAJ
Rev. Philip Lo - Faith Christian Centre Malaysia, Malaysia
Google Scholar: RRpOovwAAAAJ
Rev. Alan Wood, P.T.C., B.A., Th.L., M.Min., M.,Phil - St. Francis Theological College, Wusasa, Zaria, Nigeria
Google Scholar: m-bQ2N4AAAAJ
Dr. Edwin Gandaputra, S.E., M.Th - Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Iman Jakarta, Indonesia
Google Scholar: a55odsYAAAAJ
Dr. Ridha Mardiani, M.A., M.Pd - STKIP Pasundan Bandung, Indonesia
Google Scholar: xx6lH1sAAAAJ
Donald Siwabessy, M.Th - Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Saint Paul Bandung, Indonesia
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